Discover How to Get Everyone on Board Quickly
Work Through Obstacles and Misunderstandings

- Learn about the most common misconceptions between military and civilians.
- Find the common ground between two distinct cultures.
- Build upon differing methods/perspective to achieve positive end state/goals.
- Merge both military and civilian backgrounds into one effective team.
- Discover the miniscule, yet distinctive,differences between:
- Management versus Leadership
- Order versus Direction
- Counseling versus Coaching
- Choose:
- Short-term pain for long-term gain (Take time to 1st build trust=accelerate work).
- Short-term gain for long-term pain (Quick results but then it hurts trust and confidence).
- Delegate to achieve maximum results by first assessing individuals motivators.
- Achieve heightened group output while first focusing on individual strengths/weaknesses.
- Learn the language of both cultures – Different definitions for similar terms and missions.
- Military: Soften your style, build trust, and describe short and long-term goals/time-frames.
- Civilians: Brief bullets on status, time lines, issues and strategies to resolve problems.