Maximize your Creativity and Intuitive Thinking (Balancing Critical Thinking versus Structure)
Participants will develop the ability to see situations in a completely different light and from a new, original perspective. Maximizing one’s creativity and intuitive thinking will open doors to improving processes and outcomes for customers. Participants will explore how technology both assists and hampers true intuition and creativity.
Knowing how to insert one’s creativity while balancing the day-to-day structure and OPTEMPO time constraints will help participants gain confidence in their maximum decision making. Participants will learn useful techniques that they can apply immediately in their work environment.
Learning Objectives – Participants will learn:
- How to balance creativity and intuition versus daily time constraints and structure.
- A variety of useful methods for opening up the brain’s right-brain functioning.
- Their primary style and that of others regarding creativity, problem solving, and decision making.
- How to maximize their ability to see situations from a new, original perspective.
- How/when to use technology to open people’s minds to new and unique options.
- Pitfalls of technology when it hampers intuition and creative thinking.
- A variety of techniques for opening up one’s intuitive and creativity.
- Helpful tools to apply immediately to real-world situations (as per training scenarios).